Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter!

It’s the third week of this beautiful weather but I have to say I am looking forward to a bit of rain just to see the environment get a bit of watering!

This heatwave has been setting record high temperatures not only in Europe but around the world this week.

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Stunning sculpture installed by Greenpeace Italy.

CrowdLeaf are organising another litter pick so watch this space for date and location!

Climate Change, Pollution and Energy

Permafrost And Wetland Emissions Could Cut 1.5 C Carbon Budget By ‘By Five Years’

UK Passes 1,000 Without Coal As Energy Shift Accelerates

A coal fired plant generating power

New UK Renewables ‘Could Be Cheaper Than Existing Gas Plants By 2030’

Call To Turn Oil Rigs Into Nature Reserves

Oil rig

Costa Rica Has Run On 100% Renewable Energy For 300 Days

UK Schools Banning School Run To Protect Pupils From Air Pollution

Analysis: ‘Global’ Warming Varies Greatly Depending Where You Live

Wildlife and Conservation

Inside The Grisly Colorado Warehouse Full Of Black Market Wildlife Contraband

Eight Of 14 Rhinos Dies After Move To Kenyan National Park

A female black rhino is transported during a translocation exercise in the Nairobi national park.

Stunning Coral Forests Discovered Around Sicily’s Deep Sea Volcanoes

Threatened Species: Nine Mammals And Mountain Mistfrog Could Join Extinction List

Sunscreen For Cows: UK Farmers Struggle To Cope With The Heatwave

Cattle and ducks keep cool in the River Stour, Suffolk

Recycling and Sustainability

Starbucks Is Eliminating Plastic Straws From All Stores

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These Farmers Are Turning Extra Milk Into Yoghurt And Cheese For Those In Need

Can Norway Help Us Solve The Plastic Crisis, One Bottle At A Time?


Fight For Clean Air In Southampton And New Forest 17th July

Southsea Wildlife Watch 21st July

New Forest Festival 27th July

Handy Websites

Check Out Eco Collective who offer 100% vegan products and offer gluten free and organic produce.

Something we look to help businesses do in the future. If you are a business that is in the waste(not) business please get in touch –Mixed Plastic Banks In Southampton

Here is Southampton’s list on what to put into your blue lid recycling bin: What Can I Recycle?

Pledge Your Commitment To Improving Hampshires Recycling Habits

Hampshire Recycling

This brilliant website gives tips and ideas about food waste and how to reduce it.

Love Food Hate Waste

Instead of throwing out or bagging up (to gather dust) all those clothes children quickly grow out of this is a brilliant website to buy or sell unwanted children clothes. It is run by a busy mum who also knows what it’s like with ever growing children and the endless amount of clothes children accumulate.

‘Last year a quarter of the clothing we got rid of was simply thrown away. That’s a staggering 300,000 tonnes that went into landfill. So many of those items could have been re-used and enjoyed by a another child, instead of contributing to the destruction of the planet.’


Contact us!

Please join us on Facebook, like and share with fellow environmental and wildlife enthusiasts where we will keep you up to date with climate change, sustainable and wildlife and conservation news and anything else green.

We would also like to start adding a directory to our newsletter, making it more accessible for everyone to gain information, join other environmental groups or eco-friendly businesses that sell eco-friendly products. If you or someone you know are interested, please contact us. We can also help advertise and advise on any campaigns and fundraising events, with the option to advertise on our webpage, facebook and newsletters.

Equally if you have an article or blog which is relevant to the local or global cause of making the world cleaner and greener or feel there is an issue that could be part of a discussion, then feel free to send it over and we can publish it.

Contact us via our website:


Look us up on Facebook or drop us an email:



On behalf of CrowdLeaf,

Vicky & Ryan

Please come and check out our store to support our cause and green community!

CrowdLeaf Store

Pollution Tracking Tools

London Air Pollution Live Data

Worldwide Pollution Live Data

See you next time!




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