Ryan Carter


Additional roles:

  • // As much as he could!

Ryan was the founder of Crowdleaf and was his way of giving back to the world what humanity takes for granted. His passion was to turn an envision of a sustainable and eco world a reality for a cleaner and greener future.

Ryan sadly passed away on the 27/7/2019 from an unexplained Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS).

Vicky Wallis


Additional roles:

  • // Social Media
  • // Moderator

Description here...

Alex Carter

Web Developer

Additional roles:

  • // Administrator
  • // Social Media
  • // Moderator

As 'Founding Brother' of Crowdleaf, I am continuing the legacy of Ryan and ensuring Crowdleaf can live on, and can grow into something he would behold.
I too am a strong believer we all need to do our bit to save our precious planet. As a tech enthusiast I believe the tech of today and the tech of tomorrow can help society work together to build a better and greener future.