Life’s Evils & The Damage of Climate Change

The collective lack of preparations to mitigate the effects of global warming are bordering on self-induced mass harm, while the switch to more environmentally friendly policies and clean and sustainable energy is nowhere near fast nor bold enough to provide the alternative.
For Green innovation we need Green Education by @ MarIntroini
That´s the challenge and the greatest revolution: being educated around a Green culture able to develop strong skills and become sustainable individual and collectively. Once again Education become the powerful pillar for building new structures. A no reliable political system and global institutions that progressively are loosing capacity of influence transform Education in the only source […]
Architecture as a tool for building resilient cities by @MarIntroini
Being resilient means face uncertainty with pillars that guarantee stability and capacity to response to the “new”. This is how new realities forces to reshape a world in which infrastructure and services become flexible and versatile. Migration crisis or climate change pushes us to rethink a world in which urban spaces are designed for new-revolutionary […]
Start a #Sustainability #Movement in Your #Organization: Part 1 – Steps to Follow : Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
When I talk to organizations of all sizes and functions, their biggest pain point is essentially the same, lack of participation. Consistently, the two biggest challenges I hear are obstacles to increasing stakeholder buy-in and deal with competing priorities in the workplace. In corporate responsibility & sustainability, we talk about being purpose driven and embedding […]
Used cups are a problem – Daizyp a solution.

Used cups are not only a challenge for recycle depending on materials and waste management, but also a big waste of space when binned and thrown away and into trash bins. Too often we walk along streets and see trash cans quite exploding or worst we have to deal with this problem in our offices […]
Are cycling and recycling parts of a green wonderland or are they a goal towards achieving resilience?

Originally posted on : Are cycling and recycling parts of a green wonderland or are they a goal towards achieving resilience? Both activities are part of a big strategy based on the response of a sustainable system towards the relentless impact of climate change. Transport and waste management are a good summary of the best activities […]
Announcement of a regular Green Show on @VoiceFMradio by @rwscarter

Some of you have already listened to @rwscarter on VoiceFm recently, some of you are so dedicated that you have heard both of his appearance so far. Credit where it is due, that cannot have been as easy as listening to Adam from Green Hampshire or Denise from ‘Eco Hair and Beauty‘. Both the earlier […]
The Green Crowd – A Partial Follow up to Deep Impact Conference

Following on from the Deep Impact Conference this November just gone, I managed to talk to some really cool people. People like Ian Tracey from Innovate UK and The Knowledge Transfer Network, Bill Morrow, Helen Farmer, a speaker from Indigogo, Jon Terry from PWC , and more. I got to talk, to the experts, to the people […]
The Purse is Mightier Than the Pen – by @GeorgeMonbiot

Having attended a fantastic talk on Loneliness by George on the 5th of November 2016 I got to talk to a man who has inspired many to tackle climate change, to keep it in the ground, to fight for the world in which we all live. It was a humbling experience and to hear him […]
The Climate Change Challenge to Overcome in the UK Agriculture Sector – Jason Light
With explicit consent Jason Light has allowed us to repost his article as titled above : Originally posted on Jason’s linkedIn profile, this gem looks at what is involved in the challenge for the UK Agriculture sector to lower and neutralise their footprint in the fight against climate change. Article below: Just a week after […]