Announcement of a regular Green Show on @VoiceFMradio by @rwscarter

Some of you have already listened to @rwscarter on VoiceFm recently, some of you are so dedicated that you have heard both of his appearance so far. Credit where it is due, that cannot have been as easy as listening to Adam from Green Hampshire or Denise from ‘Eco Hair and Beauty‘. Both the earlier […]
Are we ‘falling or rolling towards a GREEN age?’ By @MarIntroini

Being GREEN is not just another fashion trend made up of recycling, eating ecological food or the use of solar panels, as many skeptics would argue. Being green means awareness of the negative impact of relentless climate change that needs us as individual to act to make a real difference. If not, every attempt is reduced to […]
Hextio – Air Purification X10 – Radic8 & The next generation of indoor air

Introducing: Hextio – Air Purification x 10 While you can read below for more details, they have also shared this awesome video. It explains what we all want explaining. Hextio – click to watch and listen to what it is, does and more, straight from one of the brains behind the product – Richard Greenwood […]
Who are Southampton Climate Conversations ( @cchangesoton ), What do they do & how to get involved.

Climate Conversations is a Southampton-based network of people who want to talk about global and local environmental change and respond through positive action. We urgently need a step change in the discourse around climate change and believe that such a change must be generated by community action. Our aim is to encourage conversations about sustainability […]