Are we ‘falling or rolling towards a GREEN age?’ By @MarIntroini

Being GREEN is not just another fashion trend made up of recycling, eating ecological food or the use of solar panels, as many skeptics would argue. Being green means awareness of the negative impact of relentless climate change that needs us as individual to act to make a real difference. If not, every attempt is reduced to […]
@MarIntroini : The Resilient Cities System. That is #Sustainable & #Green #Cities

I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the great @MarIntroini for writing another guest post for us. The piece was also posted here on Mar’s blog. Resilience seems to be just another fashion word that defines the need of renewed architecture projects and technology systems. However resilience is a holistic concept that demands […]
The C02 soaking Sponge made with …. Baking Soda

CrowdLeaf, we have a problem, a big one. A problem I do not need to tell you, your probably here reading this because you know of this problem. C02 emissions and the catastrophic damage it causes to our climate and environment. The collective problem of climate change, needs a collective response. So on this the […]