CrowdLeaf Newsletter 14th July 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter! It’s the third week of this beautiful weather but I have to say I am looking forward to a bit of rain just to see the environment get a bit of watering! This heatwave has been setting record high temperatures not only in Europe but around the world […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 6th July 2018
Welcome to this weeks edition of Crowdleaf’s newsletter. We hope you are all still enjoying this lovely weather! With the world cup well under way, it is heart warming to see fans taking care of their environment and picking up their rubbish after the game is over. This is a fine example of how we […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 29th June 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks edition of the CrowdLeaf newsletter. What a beautifully hot week it’s been, we hope you have all been safe but enjoyed your time in the sun! There has been plenty of talk of team work this week with the world cup taking over the screens, pubs and odd street. […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter – Clean Air Day – 21st June 2018
Welcome to this weeks CrowdLeaf newsletter. Which falls on Clean Air Day the 21st of June. This week we want to look at our Air Quality and how we can work on improving this. We have two new and fantastic Guest articles and one from a few weeks back on the theme of Air Pollution. […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 15th June 2018
Welcome to this weeks newsletter! If you want to be added to our newsletter mailing list please feel free to contact us via Facebook or email us using the email addresses in the Contacts section. Here are some great tips on what to recycle from the bathroom – always check the label and don’t just […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 7th June 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter! If you would like to be added to our newsletter mailing list please feel free to email myself (Vicky) or Ryan and we will carry on sending you awesome things like these two beatboxing starlings as well as keeping you all up to date with news about the current state […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 31st May 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter. If you would like to sign up receive our weekly newsletter via email please let either myself or Ryan using the email addresses in the contacts section. Would you like to to see your article or event on our weekly newsletter? Just get in touch and we will […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 23rd May 2018
Hello and welcome to CrowdLeaf’s newsletter. As you may have heard data protection laws are changing on 25th May so you will need to let us know if you would like to continue receiving our weekly newsletters. Some of you will have received an email from us but if you haven’t and you would like […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 17th May 2018
Hello and Welcome to CrowdLeaf’s Newsletter! A big thank you to Ryan who took over for last weeks newsletter while I was on holiday! 🙂 While away, we went to Paignton Zoo and was so pleased to see them providing biodegradable and compostable take away coffee cups – there really should be more of a […]
Newsletter for the weekend of 11th-13th of May 2018
Hello and welcome to another CrowdLeaf newsletter 🙂 Vicky is away this week, usual service will resume when she’s back. This weeks newsletter is jam packed full of green and sustainable goodness. With two guest articles coming out in the last week, I point to the upcoming event as listed below, the Brave New World […]