Isolating the US from green policies would make it less competitive by @marintoironi
We have seen with astonishment a recent resolution from American government, announcing its commitment ditch its Climate Change Action Plan. After COP21 the world became a block against climate change as never before. That includes not only policies but also the consolidation of the concept of global leadership that emerges as a solid and stable […]
Start a #Sustainability #Movement in Your #Organization: Part 2 Building Buy-in : Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
Increasing employee involvement in workplace sustainability programs is one of the top challenges for organizations. This is not surprising as most businesses face issues with competing priorities, while implementing programs that are informal and voluntary. This post is going to make a departure from the usual topics that are discussed about sustainability buy-in. It will focus on three […]
Start a #Sustainability #Movement in Your #Organization: Part 1 – Steps to Follow : Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
When I talk to organizations of all sizes and functions, their biggest pain point is essentially the same, lack of participation. Consistently, the two biggest challenges I hear are obstacles to increasing stakeholder buy-in and deal with competing priorities in the workplace. In corporate responsibility & sustainability, we talk about being purpose driven and embedding […]
Who & What is Green Drinks ( Southampton )

By Ryan Carter of CrowdLeaf and Adam Manning of Green Hampshire Green Drinks describe themselves as an ‘organic and self-organising’. Starting in London in 1989, the idea has spread throughout the world. The local group in Southampton from which we both draw our experiences is a great group. They meet regularly every third Thursday of […]
Used cups are a problem – Daizyp a solution.

Used cups are not only a challenge for recycle depending on materials and waste management, but also a big waste of space when binned and thrown away and into trash bins. Too often we walk along streets and see trash cans quite exploding or worst we have to deal with this problem in our offices […]
Are cycling and recycling parts of a green wonderland or are they a goal towards achieving resilience?

Originally posted on : Are cycling and recycling parts of a green wonderland or are they a goal towards achieving resilience? Both activities are part of a big strategy based on the response of a sustainable system towards the relentless impact of climate change. Transport and waste management are a good summary of the best activities […]
Solar Impulse 2 the Record-breaking #solar plane is back in #Switzerland

Some of you may have read my piece a little while back surrounding the adventures of Solar Impulse 2. I’ve just stumbled upon this news that is has now gone back to Switzerland. That was some achievement and if it’s the way forward and it defiantly has a part to play even if it’s just switching […]
@MarIntroini : The Resilient Cities System. That is #Sustainable & #Green #Cities

I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the great @MarIntroini for writing another guest post for us. The piece was also posted here on Mar’s blog. Resilience seems to be just another fashion word that defines the need of renewed architecture projects and technology systems. However resilience is a holistic concept that demands […]
The C02 soaking Sponge made with …. Baking Soda

CrowdLeaf, we have a problem, a big one. A problem I do not need to tell you, your probably here reading this because you know of this problem. C02 emissions and the catastrophic damage it causes to our climate and environment. The collective problem of climate change, needs a collective response. So on this the […]