CrowdLeaf Newsletter 30th November 2017
Welcome to this weeks newsletter, giving you your weekly updates on climate change, environment, sustainability and all things green. This weeks articles range between how Richard Branson is getting involved with clean energy for the Caribbean to Bearded Dragons becoming dummer due to the effects of Climate Change to some great news about some rare […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 23rd November 2017
Welcome to this weeks Crowdleaf Newsletter. Our aim at Crowdleaf is to try and make a positive impact on people, to give the facts about the current state of the climate, environment, wildlife and conservation and about sustainability. We also aim to be able to find different ways to become greener. Climate Change Norweigan Central Bank […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 16th November 2017

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How to Start a Sustainability Movement in Your Organization: Part 3 Scale by Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
The Challenge: Since the path to sustainability is rooted in local context, creating an overarching corporate program that is also relevant to numerous departments and locations may seem counter-intuitive. How do we create an overarching corporate sustainability program that is relevant to every employee and is implementable across an entire organization, especially those with diverse […]
#Green issues are also a diplomacy issue: towards a #Green #Global #Diplomacy… by @MarIntroini
The digital sculpture “Mother morning” shows the hidden treasure of climate change action: the strength of diplomacy. A pillar that is within activists, environmental organizations and leaders however, is not being used in its full potential and there is not a consolidated green diplomacy. Traditional channels of diplomacy are not enough and even COP21 shows […]
Architecture as a tool for building resilient cities by @MarIntroini
Being resilient means face uncertainty with pillars that guarantee stability and capacity to response to the “new”. This is how new realities forces to reshape a world in which infrastructure and services become flexible and versatile. Migration crisis or climate change pushes us to rethink a world in which urban spaces are designed for new-revolutionary […]
Isolating the US from green policies would make it less competitive by @marintoironi
We have seen with astonishment a recent resolution from American government, announcing its commitment ditch its Climate Change Action Plan. After COP21 the world became a block against climate change as never before. That includes not only policies but also the consolidation of the concept of global leadership that emerges as a solid and stable […]
Start a #Sustainability #Movement in Your #Organization: Part 2 Building Buy-in : Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
Increasing employee involvement in workplace sustainability programs is one of the top challenges for organizations. This is not surprising as most businesses face issues with competing priorities, while implementing programs that are informal and voluntary. This post is going to make a departure from the usual topics that are discussed about sustainability buy-in. It will focus on three […]
Start a #Sustainability #Movement in Your #Organization: Part 1 – Steps to Follow : Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
When I talk to organizations of all sizes and functions, their biggest pain point is essentially the same, lack of participation. Consistently, the two biggest challenges I hear are obstacles to increasing stakeholder buy-in and deal with competing priorities in the workplace. In corporate responsibility & sustainability, we talk about being purpose driven and embedding […]
Used cups are a problem – Daizyp a solution.

Used cups are not only a challenge for recycle depending on materials and waste management, but also a big waste of space when binned and thrown away and into trash bins. Too often we walk along streets and see trash cans quite exploding or worst we have to deal with this problem in our offices […]