Newsletter for the weekend of 11th-13th of May 2018
Hello and welcome to another CrowdLeaf newsletter 🙂 Vicky is away this week, usual service will resume when she’s back. This weeks newsletter is jam packed full of green and sustainable goodness. With two guest articles coming out in the last week, I point to the upcoming event as listed below, the Brave New World […]
How to Start a Sustainability Movement in Your Organization: Part 3 Scale by Wendy Firlotte @EngageIntl
The Challenge: Since the path to sustainability is rooted in local context, creating an overarching corporate program that is also relevant to numerous departments and locations may seem counter-intuitive. How do we create an overarching corporate sustainability program that is relevant to every employee and is implementable across an entire organization, especially those with diverse […]
Used cups are a problem – Daizyp a solution.

Used cups are not only a challenge for recycle depending on materials and waste management, but also a big waste of space when binned and thrown away and into trash bins. Too often we walk along streets and see trash cans quite exploding or worst we have to deal with this problem in our offices […]
Announcement of a regular Green Show on @VoiceFMradio by @rwscarter

Some of you have already listened to @rwscarter on VoiceFm recently, some of you are so dedicated that you have heard both of his appearance so far. Credit where it is due, that cannot have been as easy as listening to Adam from Green Hampshire or Denise from ‘Eco Hair and Beauty‘. Both the earlier […]
The Green Crowd – A Partial Follow up to Deep Impact Conference

Following on from the Deep Impact Conference this November just gone, I managed to talk to some really cool people. People like Ian Tracey from Innovate UK and The Knowledge Transfer Network, Bill Morrow, Helen Farmer, a speaker from Indigogo, Jon Terry from PWC , and more. I got to talk, to the experts, to the people […]
In conversation with @barryejames – Crowdfunding: Deep Impact Conference

CrowdLeaf is a proud sponsor for Thursday the 24th of November’s Crowdfunding: Deep Impact Conference. @rwscarter did an interview with Barry James the brain child and man in charge for the conference. Barry is CEO of the Crowdfunding Center and Secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Crowdfunding among many other positions, ventures and […]