This is a post supported by us at Crowdleaf and published on Environmental Advanced Science.
What is Climate Change?
limate Change is the largest, most challenging moral crisis in the history of mankind. This is a fact supported by science and scientists the world over; the facts on climate change are haunting and the body-politics needs to catch up with the population at large.
In 2008, the United Nations Development Program characterized climate change as “the defining human development challenge of the 21st century.”
So knowing what we know, where do we go from here? Let’s start with the problem itself, the year is 2019; we need more than the “who what when where and why” we need a realistic “how”? We need to consider this without a human based agenda or ego, without inconvenience and self-pity. We need leaders and to be leaders, we need to challenge the world views that are holding us Eco-Warriors back.
We challenge those who are blind to the fact that humans are not superior to this planet, we live on this planet and need it to live. Even if we could leave, it should be cherished. The planet is not an inanimate object for us to just lay roads and place houses on, but a living breathing biodiverse entity with many species and ecosystems. This used to be known and has only recently dropped from the human psyche. The various natural systems work in an intertwined way, relying and thriving in a circular motion as they fulfill their place in the circle of life here on Earth. Mankind was the only species who diverted from the plan and we are seeing the damage that has caused, daily. With evolution inhibiting almost every other part from doing its job as well.
Stewardship (or the lack thereof) related to the human species has resulted in runaway Climate Change. The direct driver of climate change is the issue of today’s atmosphere having an abundance of carbon dioxide and methane which are but two examples of greenhouse gases that are caused both directly and indirectly by our human actions daily. These gases allow visible light to pass through while absorbing the infrared light (the hot light not the visible light) and that in turn heats up the planet (hence the name global warming). The more the atmosphere heats up, it in turn emits even more infrared (hot) light and re-absorbs it. The energy coming from the sun has always measured the same, however what’s leaving the atmosphere has decreased drastically over time. The planet has been running a fever for a while, changing the overall climate, creating changing weather systems, bringing both extreme heat and cold to places in the world where their presence ruins ecosystems. Hence the name ‘Climate Change’.
Climate Change: Largest moral crisis in the history of mankind; we have 10 years to get the planets fever under control.
Climate Scientist: Most reliable source to date in climate knowledge and education; most reliable source in the world. (Ivy league schools across the U.S. like Cornell Institute are expanding their climate education systems everyday. Cornell established its Institute for Climate Smart Solutions in 2013. “The Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions (CICSS) builds stakeholder capacity and works toward a future where agricultural, environmental, and social systems are resilient in the face of a rapidly changing climate and have reduced their impacts on the climate system.”
UNEP or United Nations Environment Programme: is an agency of the United Nations, coordinates the organization’s environmental activities and assists developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices.
IPCC or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations, dedicated to providing the world with an objective, scientific view of climate change and its political and economic impacts.
UNFCC or United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: is an international environmental treaty with an objective to “stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”.
Moral Crisis: Moral Crisis is a situation where you are definite about being forced to think of doing something which you believed as wrong. Moral crisis is not reconcilable and shall keep reappearing in your thoughts like a haunt.
Ecosocialism: Ecosocialism is a vision of a transformed society in harmony with nature, and the development of practices that can attain it. It is directed toward alternatives to all socially and ecologically destructive systems, such as patriarchy, racism, homophobia and the fossil-fuel based economy.
There are also two redefined Vocabulary/Words that have evolved through Climate Change
As we before had the “terrorist”, we now have the “Eco-Terrorist”: Eco-terrorism attacks people or things that threaten the environment or the wildlife it supports.
As we before had the “refugee”, we now have the “Climate Change Refugee”: A refugee that flees their home not because of famine, death or disease or a corrupt governmental system but a person that flees their home due to an unlivable climate condition.
Unrealistic Structural Plan
90% of the human population would be eliminated immediately while the remaining 10% follow this “Realistic Structural Plan” below. This is what will happen itself we do not follow the plan below by default.
Realistic Structural Plan
1. Majority of the Human population go vegan and Vegetarian
During the Poland & Germany U.N. Climate Summit, 300 of the world’s top climate scientists concluded that the majority of the world’s carbon emissions are coming from ‘factory farming’. The IPCC report from 2017 stated that factory farming made up for 15% of the worlds emissions. While transportation (including motor vehicles, planes and trains) accounted for 7% placing as our number two contributor. Seems pretty clear that if we wanted to slash emissions drastically we would all go vegan.
2. ELIMINATE Carbon Waste (which will produce alcohol fuel that can potentially phase out fossil fuels QUICK)
Most don’t realize that landfills an biowaste (from the earth, overgrown forests, algae etc) cannot be reused or recycled and reducing is not ELIMINATING what is already here. Which we all know is already TOO MUCH an the landfills are continuously growing an spilling into the oceans. Eliminating carbon waste/pollution while simultaneously cutting factory farming emissions and having a tool that can be utilised to phase out the fossil fuel industry without billionaires jobs lost in one day and barrels of gasoline(oil) sitting all over the place with all forms of transportation and shipping at a halt.
A phase out using alcohol based fuel produced from eliminating carbon waste coupled with a time limit an carbon tax (that I use to oppose back when I didn’t fully understand all aspects of our realistic options) will forcefully push us to surpass our emissions goal and even reverse the damage we’ve already done. Carbon waste to alcohol fuel breeds global methodology and realism vs. rioting and hysteria as if one day everyone’s going to stop disrespecting the environment an all will be better.
Couple 1&2; successfully win the fight on Climate Change. We’re fighting ourselves and this should not be that hard. We’re also fighting something that we did and are still currently doing be wise facts were ignored over decades.
We set our own house on fire. We need to act accordingly.
With support by Crowdleaf.org.uk