Welcome to this CrowdLeaf Newsletter and Happy Valentines Day from the CrowdLeaf team!
In that fashion, lets remember that we achieve more together than alone. This valentines, were with you and together we are more.
This week comes with some great news that Scotland is planning to ban plastic straws by the end of 2019 – and more on plastic, conservation, green issues and ways for you to get involved.
The War On Plastic
Scotland plans To Ban Plastic Straws By End Of 2019
Could Plant-Based Plastics Help Tackle Waste Pollution?
The Queen Ban’s Single Use Plastic On Royal Estates
Which Coffee Shops Will Offer 50p Discount For Using Reusable Cup?
Microplastics Pollute Most Remote And Uncharted Areas Of The Ocean

Climate Change And Pollution
How Climate Change Is Disrupting British Sport
Ireland Votes In F favour Of Law To Be Worlds First Country To Fully Divest From Fossil Fuels
Express Delivery: Use Drones Not Trucks To Cut Carbon Emissions, Experts Say
Observations Show Sea Levels Rising And Climate Change Is Accelerating It
What It’s Like To Run A Country That Could Be Destroyed By climate Change
German Cities to Trial Free Public Transport To Cut Pollution

Wildlife And Conservation
Happy Ending For This Turtle In Malta
China To Create New Forests Covering Area Size Of Ireland
Talking Animals: We Aren’t The Only Species Capable of Speech
Bolivia’s Lonely Frog: Scientists Race to Find A mate For Romeo
Observatree: Monitoring Tree Health
Free Trees For Schools And Communities
Greenpeace Meeting And Quiz 20th February
Sholing Valleys Volunteer Day 25th February
Weston Shore Beach Clean 25th February
Great British Spring Clean 2nd March
Sustainable Business Network Events – Changes To Env Management Systems – 23rd March
Marwell Zoo – New Tropical House – See How A Renewable Energy Scheme Works – 16th March
Handy Websites
Something we look to help businesses do in the future. If you are a business that is in the waste(not) business please get in touch –Mixed Plastic Banks In Southampton
Pledge Your Commitment To Improving Hampshires Recycling Habits
This brilliant website gives tips and ideas about food waste and how to reduce it.
Organic Veg Box Finder – Soil Association
Instead of throwing out or bagging up (to gather dust) all those clothes children quickly grow out of this is a brilliant website to buy or sell unwanted children clothes. It is run by a busy mum who also knows what it’s like with ever growing children and the endless amount of clothes children accumulate.
‘Last year a quarter of the clothing we got rid of was simply thrown away. That’s a staggering 300,000 tonnes that went into landfill. So many of those items could have been re-used and enjoyed by a another child, instead of contributing to the destruction of the planet.’
Contact us!
Please join us on Facebook, like and share with fellow environmental and wildlife enthusiasts where we will keep you up to date with climate change, sustainable and wildlife and conservation news and anything else green.
We would also like to start adding a directory to our newsletter, making it more accessible for everyone to gain information, join other environmental groups or eco-friendly businesses that sell eco-friendly products. If you or someone you know are interested, please contact us. We can also help advertise and advise on any campaigns and fundraising events, with the option to advertise on our webpage, facebook and newsletters.
Equally if you have an article or blog which is relevant to the local or global cause of making the world cleaner and greener or feel there is an issue that could be part of a discussion, then feel free to send it over and we can publish it.
Contact us via our website:
Look us up on Facebook or drop us an email:
On behalf of CrowdLeaf,
Vicky & Ryan
Please come and check out our store to support our cause and green community!
Pollution Tracking Tools
London Air Pollution Live Data
As you have read this far… :
Try – Air Water Trees Animals (ATWA) by System of a Down or Puscifer –The Humbling River
(Listen to the lyrics)