The SDG´s approach demands a new approach at global system level and a systemic action at individual and community level. Innovation, even its part of SDG 9 “industry, innovation and infrastructure” represents one of those challenges to take into account on a daily and personal basis.
Communities as a difference from corporations do not see the need for innovation but of small changes that make their daily life easier. This attitude may prevent them from a real revolutionary change especially for those who considered themselves as “stable and safe societies”. A personal change represents a much more important step to get through this situation than for other challenges.
Until there is not a real sense of the need for a change that fixes current green global crisis, we will not being able to become sustainable. Eventually there are just communities that introduce technology for their own particular benefit and innovation but for specific goals based on local profitability.
Getting into a sense of empowerment is a must. We need to Educate and re-Educate adults and future generations on the power of Advocacy and the own responsibility of getting the tools. Is it simply a democracy pattern in which citizens engage with the community and lead their destiny.
It’s surprising to see that even if global corporations has very strong interests there are committed to the global goals and aware of a change. Most of the multinationals has made important steps towards a green investment leaving the public sector behind and not updated to the new challenges. Also on this aspect coordination and the power of partnerships its extremely needed. In which local communities play a paramount role, changing their own daily habits and taking the principle of “think global, act local” into extremes.
The tools are there to be used: social media, associations, debate, etc. through reshaping the Education system. Traditional tools (as association and debate) need to be reshaped and find a new concept in which there are not just “green associations/debates” but a cross-cutting union of people, thoughts and ideas towards a common goal on sustainability. That is the key to enter in new roads of resilience: the use of the same tools from a different focus.
A holistic approach is what we need for getting into the goals successfully and on a “relaxing mood”. The so-called “safe societies” must be aware of the need to reshape their goals and business as usual for addressing crises effectively. Moving through green debates, green associations and green campaigns is not the correct strategy and global goals demand that green goals are just one more part of a systemic strategy.That´s the reason for building awareness towards uncertainty and the need for being resilience by an in depth change on structures and personal attitudes.
New and innovative green communities: a personal attitude that doesn’t represent financial investment but capitalization of human resources, re-Education and innovative structures that delivers a new sense of living.
As the picture, the logs represent the citizens: strong and resilient but without awareness of the need for innovation and change. There will not fall down but they need stronger support to become sustainable. Take the risk!
*The Green Axis of SDG´s
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