CrowdLeaf Newsletter 2nd September 2018
Hello! Welcome to this weeks newsletter. What a week it has been in the world of green and sustainable news. There has been plenty to talk about and were actively encouraging you to write a post for us that will feature on our next Newsletter and as a stand alone piece on the forum. A […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 24th August 2018
Hello! Welcome to this weeks newsletter. What a week it has been in the world of green and sustainable news. Before we get started, thank you to all those who came out and helped Southampton Common Forum and ourselves with our litter pick last week. We collected this in less than an hour. Climate Change […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 9th August 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter. Come and join CrowdLeaf and Southampton Common Forum on a litter pick around Southampton Common on Friday 17th August whereby we will be meeting at the Hawthorn Cafe for 18:30. If anyone can help to take away any of the recycling or aluminium this would be a great […]
Switching to GREEN in an Artificial Intelligence era. By Mar Introini

We are living under contradictory processes: a world pushing for more sustainable green standards, on a go back to old codes of living closer to nature and at the same time a revolutionary technology that mark our daily life differently. Is this incompatible? Is this a contradiction? Is it possible to harmonize both processes and […]
Green Community Action: The Need For Innovation. Take The Risk! By Mar Introini

The SDG´s approach demands a new approach at global system level and a systemic action at individual and community level. Innovation, even its part of SDG 9 “industry, innovation and infrastructure” represents one of those challenges to take into account on a daily and personal basis. Communities as a difference from corporations […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 27th July 2018
Welcome to this weeks newsletter! Finally seeing a bit of rain after so much sun – although I don’t think were out of the woods yet. Stay hydrated and keep safe. 🙂 Check out what the UK looks like here with the lack of rain recently. Here are some more beautiful images taken by Ann-Marie […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 21st July 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks edition of the CrowdLeaf newsletter. These beautiful images were taken by Ann-Marie Britton Photography so a big thank you for allowing CrowdLeaf to share these! We hope everyone is enjoying yet another week of this beautiful weather although it’s not without it’s downfall. Britain has been pretty scorched by […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 14th July 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter! It’s the third week of this beautiful weather but I have to say I am looking forward to a bit of rain just to see the environment get a bit of watering! This heatwave has been setting record high temperatures not only in Europe but around the world […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 6th July 2018
Welcome to this weeks edition of Crowdleaf’s newsletter. We hope you are all still enjoying this lovely weather! With the world cup well under way, it is heart warming to see fans taking care of their environment and picking up their rubbish after the game is over. This is a fine example of how we […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 29th June 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks edition of the CrowdLeaf newsletter. What a beautifully hot week it’s been, we hope you have all been safe but enjoyed your time in the sun! There has been plenty of talk of team work this week with the world cup taking over the screens, pubs and odd street. […]