Switching to GREEN in an Artificial Intelligence era. By Mar Introini

We are living under contradictory processes: a world pushing for more sustainable green standards, on a go back to old codes of living closer to nature and at the same time a revolutionary technology that mark our daily life differently. Is this incompatible? Is this a contradiction? Is it possible to harmonize both processes and […]
Green Community Action: The Need For Innovation. Take The Risk! By Mar Introini

The SDG´s approach demands a new approach at global system level and a systemic action at individual and community level. Innovation, even its part of SDG 9 “industry, innovation and infrastructure” represents one of those challenges to take into account on a daily and personal basis. Communities as a difference from corporations […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 6th July 2018
Welcome to this weeks edition of Crowdleaf’s newsletter. We hope you are all still enjoying this lovely weather! With the world cup well under way, it is heart warming to see fans taking care of their environment and picking up their rubbish after the game is over. This is a fine example of how we […]
For Green innovation we need Green Education by @ MarIntroini
That´s the challenge and the greatest revolution: being educated around a Green culture able to develop strong skills and become sustainable individual and collectively. Once again Education become the powerful pillar for building new structures. A no reliable political system and global institutions that progressively are loosing capacity of influence transform Education in the only source […]
Are we ‘falling or rolling towards a GREEN age?’ By @MarIntroini

Being GREEN is not just another fashion trend made up of recycling, eating ecological food or the use of solar panels, as many skeptics would argue. Being green means awareness of the negative impact of relentless climate change that needs us as individual to act to make a real difference. If not, every attempt is reduced to […]