Switching to GREEN in an Artificial Intelligence era. By Mar Introini

We are living under contradictory processes: a world pushing for more sustainable green standards, on a go back to old codes of living closer to nature and at the same time a revolutionary technology that mark our daily life differently. Is this incompatible? Is this a contradiction? Is it possible to harmonize both processes and […]
Green Community Action: The Need For Innovation. Take The Risk! By Mar Introini

The SDG´s approach demands a new approach at global system level and a systemic action at individual and community level. Innovation, even its part of SDG 9 “industry, innovation and infrastructure” represents one of those challenges to take into account on a daily and personal basis. Communities as a difference from corporations […]
SDG´s 12+14= the panoptic for plastic waste by @MarIntroini
When Foucault creates the concept of a panoptic for the criminal system he didn’t realized its real potential and that it could be applied for other areas in which there is danger for our societies, in this case for our oceans. If there were a constant surveillance and a rational and responsible consumption maybe plastics […]