CrowdLeaf Newsletter 10th February 2019
Hello and welcome to the first CrowdLeaf Newsletter for February. There are some new wildlife emoji’s for 2019 – check them out here. Please feel free to like and follow us on Facebook here. If you have and idea, article or an event you would like to share on our newsletter just contact us via […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 9th August 2018
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter. Come and join CrowdLeaf and Southampton Common Forum on a litter pick around Southampton Common on Friday 17th August whereby we will be meeting at the Hawthorn Cafe for 18:30. If anyone can help to take away any of the recycling or aluminium this would be a great […]
Switching to GREEN in an Artificial Intelligence era. By Mar Introini

We are living under contradictory processes: a world pushing for more sustainable green standards, on a go back to old codes of living closer to nature and at the same time a revolutionary technology that mark our daily life differently. Is this incompatible? Is this a contradiction? Is it possible to harmonize both processes and […]
Green Community Action: The Need For Innovation. Take The Risk! By Mar Introini

The SDG´s approach demands a new approach at global system level and a systemic action at individual and community level. Innovation, even its part of SDG 9 “industry, innovation and infrastructure” represents one of those challenges to take into account on a daily and personal basis. Communities as a difference from corporations […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter – World Penguin Day – 25th April 2018
Welcome to CrowdLeaf’s newsletter. What a great evening and well done to the Sustainability mic night Friday just gone (20th April) where many people came, including CrowdLeaf’s Ryan Carter, to say their piece about what they are doing to help the environment. A fantastic idea and so many amazing people out there really working hard […]
Not just a “war against plastic”, but a reshape of the sector/people is needed, a piece by by @MarIntoini
“A world made of plastics” ….. a sad way to visualize the future of the planet -and our animals- if there is not a real global culture around protection of the environment. The first step to be taken is to raise awareness that there is a problem and that it has not been necessary created […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter – Innovation, Mitigation and Conservation – 10th February 2018
Often the terms we on the sustainability front use, or band about such as the fight on plastic, battle on emissions and the plague of plastic… I could go on. These words are littered throughout our vocabulary as sign of acknowledgment. This edition of the now very regular newsletter (twice weekly) is to focus not […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter – The Importance Of Water – 6th February 2018
This week we are looking at the importance of water. With unusual seasonal patterns for 3 consecutive years due to climate change, the people of Cape Town are facing severe water shortages. Lakes are drying up, the environment is struggling and peoples businesses are under threat due to the drought. It is only a matter […]
Water equality: challenging the global balance? by @MarIntroini
We must move forward towards a full implementation of SDG 6 “Clean water and sanitation” as it is one pillar that connect with essential goals as SDG 1“no poverty”, SDG 2“zero hunger”, SDG 3 “good health and well-being”. Transforming SDG 6 on a dangerous goal that threatens the entire system in dramatic terms that compromise […]
CrowdLeaf Newsletter 7th December 2017
Welcome to CrowdLeaf Newsletter. Our aim at CrowdLeaf is to try and make a positive impact on people, to give the facts about the current state of the climate, environment, wildlife and conservation and about sustainability. We also aim to be able to find different ways to become greener and bring those ideas to the […]